Learning Experiences

Learning Experiences

Early Years Learning Framework

The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) enables Monash School's early childhood educators within the preschool setting to extend and enrich children's learning, provide opportunities for children to develop a foundation for learning and for children to become successful learners.

Within the Early Years Learning Framework there are three basic concepts that children's lives are characterised by - Belonging, Being and Becoming. This refers to how a child from even before birth is linked to family, community, culture and place. Through these relationships a child's development and learning takes place as they begin to explore, develop interests, create their own identity and make meaning of the world around them. The three concepts, Belonging, Being & Becoming, represent life and living and are constantly referred to throughout the EYLF.

belonging charts.

Literacy and Numeracy

Children explore early foundational skills and develop understanding of literacy and numeracy within our play-based inquiry learning environments. Intentional learning experiences are created, providing children with authentic hands-on activities linking to interests and exploration.

Physical Activities

Physical activity is an important part of the Preschool program. There are many opportunities for structured and unstructured physical activity throughout the Preschool sessions. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately so that they feel confident to participate in all the challenges provided. Sensible footwear is essential and long dresses and skirts can be unsafe.

Developing Cultural Awareness


Under the guidance of the Early Years Learning Framework, educators at Monash Preschool ensure that children develop an awareness of the special place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. We do this in several ways including integrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait resources, teaching children about the significant contribution that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders have made to our country, paying respect to the traditional owners of the land when meeting at formal occasions, recognising celebrations such as NAIDOC week and our regular Walks on Country.

Sleep and Rest


We implement the ACT Public Preschools Sleep and Rest Procedures at Monash by ensuring that all our preschoolers are provided with opportunities to engage in periods of sleep and or rest. We encourage parents and guardians to discuss any specific requirements for their preschooler. We ensure that provisions of comfortable quiet spaces are accessible to all during the day. We also provide a choice of quiet, mindfulness activities such as Yoga, colouring in, listening to pod casts and quiet reading (engaging in books).

Whole School Events

Preschool classes are given the opportunity to participate in whole school events such as Cross Country, The Colour Run, Book Week, Grandfriends Day and other scheduled events throughout the year.

Excursions and Incursions

Excursions and Incursions are part of the educational program at Monash Preschool. On enrolment, parents are asked to give permission for their child to go on incidental excursions, for example our Walks on Country, and walks around the local area.

For excursions outside of the Preschool that require any form of transport, parents will be advised in advance and asked to give permission in writing. Parents are invited to be part of excursions.

Transition to Kindergarten

Your child is a member of the Monash School community. As with all transitions, educators will ensure that the move from Preschool to Kindergarten is successful. To do this we have implemented a transition program for our preschool children. This involves: