School Readiness Activities



Supporting independence with toileting  - Encouraging independence with putting on shoes and socks  - Encouraging independence with opening and closing lunch boxes and containers  - Supporting independence to pack own belongings into their bag  - Establishing a predictable morning routine  - Supporting name recognition

Social Interaction & Play

Play games with your child to teach turn taking, sharing and waiting.  - Create opportunities for your child to interact with other children of a similar age through play dates and playgroups.  - Role play with your child, during these opportunities model language that would be suitable to use in real-life situations (e.g. if playing in a toy kitchen, talk about what food you are preparing)

Emotional Development

Talk about feelings with your child. Their feelings, your own, other family members. This supports children in being able to recognise certain emotions, name these emotions, and provide strategies to manage these feelings.  - Drive or walk past and talk about the things you notice in the preschool playground.  - Read preschool readiness stories.


Familiarise children with Nursery Rhymes through singing and reading.  - Learn the alphabet song.  - Read with your child to promote the joy of sharing stories, following the story discuss the events which took place.  - Encourage your child to repeat complex words back.  - Play I Spy to support children in thinking about objects which start with a specific sound.

Fine Motor

Encouraging writing of name.  - Drawing and colouring in to encourage pencil control and improve endurance for pencil skills.  - Cutting and pasting.

Physical Development

Animal walks, pretend to be a variety of animals such as: crab, frog, bear, worm and encourage children to move as these animals would.  - Play on a variety of play equipment at the playground, climbing, sliding and swinging.  - Be active outside running, walking, riding, jumping or hopping to improve physical skills.